Thursday, February 26, 2015

Life Flies Fast

 Hola mi familia y mis amigos!!!
I hope you are all doing well! Here we are! Another Wednesday down! It's crazy how fast the time flies!

This week has been really good! On Monday, it was quite sad because we had to say goodbye to our other district. We were alone for three days. Just district 21D. We are really excited for the other district and we know that they'll be great in Argentina! It's just hard, sometimes, to say goodbye.

Today, we are getting a new district! Six elders and five Hermanas. We are really excited to get to know them. And also, to not be the only ones in our district. Also, on Sunday, Hermana Nordfelt and I were made the new Sister Training Leaders, so now we feel an extra responsibility for our new sisters.

Jimena is doing really well! On Wednesday, we took her on a "Church Tour" and showed her what church is like (as much as we could here at the MTC without real classrooms and such). We even had 'the bishop' there (really he's another teacher but he didn't have a district at the time). We invited her to go to church on Sunday and she accepted. We met with her again on Monday and we asked about church. She had gone with a friend and absolutely loved it! She said that she loved how kind everyone was. She said it felt like everyone were friends with one another and that was really cool to her. She said that at the Catholic church, no one really talked, but at our church, people stayed after to talk with each other. We were so happy that she enjoyed it! 

Daniela is also doing well. We taught her on Thursday, but it was really hard. In preparing for that lesson, Hermana Nordfelt and I didn't feel the guidance of the Spirit as we usually do. Normally, while thinking about what we should teach, one idea sticks out. But that didn't happen this time. The lesson still went well, and we know that Spirit was with us in the lesson, we were just confused. We taught her again on Saturday and she shared an experience with us. She said that the day before she was really struggling and was feeling really sad. But then she remembered our invitation to her to pray and she did. She said that her feelings were lifted, taken away. She was amazed! That had never happened to her before! We were so happy that she could experience this. We explained to her that this, indeed, was and answer to her prayers. She has been frustrated because she couldn't see how the Lord was helping her family and she had been praying so fervently for help. But, this, this experience, was an answer. 

On Thursday, we also taught Mercedes. We taught the third lesson in Preach My Gospel, The Gospel of Jesus Christ. We explained that she needed to be baptized and we invited her to do as such. She said that she wanted time to pray to know if that was right for her. We told her that we understood. I think it's great that she knows that through prayer, she can receive any answer she desires and any help she may need. On Monday, we taught her again. I can tell that she loves our church and has a testimony of some things too, like prayer. She's afraid to be baptized because she doesn't know everything. We told her that we still don't know everything and that's okay. As long as we have faith, hope and believe, that's all we need. We teach her again today for the last time . . . I am extremely sad! I love Mercedes and I do not want to say goodbye!!! 

Back to Thursday when Hermana Nordfelt and I were struggling with Daniela's lesson. We talked to Hermana Savage afterward because we were really concerned. She shared 3 Nephi 9:20 with us. It talks about how the Lamanites were baptized with fire, but they knew it not. She said that we are just like those Lamanites. Here, in the MTC, we are baptized with fire, baptized with the Holy Ghost. But at times, we know it not. Then she had us read Helaman 10:4-5. In those scriptures, God is talking to Nephi about his faithfulness. He says that He knows that Nephi would never ask for something that was against God's will, and so anything that Nephi said, would come to pass. Hermana Savage said that the Lord has confidence in us. He has faith in us. He trusts us to do His work. We are His missionaries. We are His hands. He would not allow us to do something that is against His will. Also, she said, that our hearts are changing. They are becoming more in line with what the Lord would have us do. It is not meet that I should command in all things.

Also, on Thursday, our zone auditioned with Come Thou Fount. Elder Riding (in my district) made an arrangement with a song he had written. It's a great song! And, we made it! Hopefully, we will sing it on Sunday! And, yes, I did get to play Savior, Redeemer of My Soul this last Sunday. We played for the Departure Devotional (all missionaries that are leaving that week have a devotional about going out into the field). It was great! Our vocalist was getting sick, but she was still able to sing wonderfully and the Spirit was with us! It is amazing what we can do with the Lord.

Spanish is great! I am so grateful that I have had the opportunity to learn Spanish! We are learning the past tenses for Spanish (because they have 3) and it can be difficult at times. Also, my district made a goal to only speak in Spanish starting this last Monday for the rest of the time that we are here. It's going to be hard, but I'm up for the challenge! Plus, I feel that that's one of the best ways to learn it! 

Thank you all for your letters and your prayers! I love you all so much!!!!! Have a wonderful week!!!!!!!!

Love from,
Hermana Micaela Wilson

P.S. More photos from the temple. I have a feeling that this is going to be a weekly thing.... :)

Friday, February 20, 2015

Bonus Material

Micaela's companion is a sweet and happy girl. Here is an excerpt from a letter she sent to me:

"You have raised a fantastic daughter!! I am so lucky to have her as my companion.  She has taught me so much and I couldn't have asked for anyone better.  She sings with me, quotes silly movies with me, has a lot of patience with me when it comes to Spanish, and teaches the gospel of Jesus Christ with me!! Its amazing how The Spirit testifies through us!! I truly love her!"  

Here are Micaela's answers to some of my questions:
1. What is your weekly schedule?
 My schedule varies from day to day, but I'll do my best to describe a normal day. Normally, I get up at 6:30 and get ready. We have breakfast at 7:15 and our first block of class is at 7:45. Then we have lunch at 11:35 and then back to class at 12:20. At 3:30 we have gym and then dinner at 4:50 (which I do not like because I normally ate dinner at 7 or 8). Then it's back to class at 5:45 and then planning at 9, in bed by 10:30. It's go, go, go. But it's good. During two of those blocks of classes we have a teacher. So it's Spanish learning and learning how to teach. During the other class block, we have time for personal/companionship/language study. Also, on Monday and Thursdays we have TRC, where we teach Mercedes. On Tuesdays, we have a devotional in the evening, so that takes up one of the Spanish blocks. Wednesday is P-day, so we go to the temple, do laundry, write and anything else we need to do, and then attend class at 5:45. Friday we have service in the morning. It's pretty good. I'm liking it here. :)
2. Do you attend the temple in English or in Spanish?
We do English sessions. You watch the session in your native tongue, which I am very grateful for. Going to the temple is a nice break. A chance to unwind and be at peace. We also eat breakfast at the temple. Their food is really good!
3. Are you learning Spanish with the Argentine pronunciation?
I am learning Argentine pronunciation. I'm really glad too. It's not too hard, but if I was always hearing a different accent, it'd be harder. 
4. What is your favorite thing about your experience at the MTC?
I would have to say the Spirit that is here. It is amazing!!! 
5. What is the most important thing you've learned while being in the MTC?
The most important thing I've learned while being here is how much I need the Spirit. There is no way that I can do this by myself. There is no way that I can learn this language by myself. There is no way that I can teach the Gospel by myself. But with God, with His Spirit, I can.

Micaela also responded to questions about how she writes about her "acting" investigators as if they were real.
With the "investigators" (my teachers) it is really interesting because they put a lot of their real lives into it. And also, our purpose as missionaries is "to invite others to come unto Christ." Not just non-members or less actives. Others. Meaning all. Meaning me, my companion, my teachers, members. Everyone. Our teachers have told us that we have helped them in their lives, even though they aren't real investigators. So that's really cool to me. Teaching in Spanish is an adventure. I'm amazed at how much I know already. I feel like I'm doing well with Spanish. Some of the other missionaries get really stressed out or annoyed with the language, but I don't really. That has been a huge blessing. 

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Dios les ama (God loves you)

Micaela with Sister Boyce, her MTC teacher
Hola familia y amigos!!!
I hope that you are all doing well! This week has been pretty amazing! There have been some hard moments, but it's amazing how much the Lord is in my life. Just like He is in all of our lives. 

We taught Daniela for the first time last Wednesday. She didn't believe that God loves her and so we talked about how God really is there for her and how He loves her. I shared my favorite scripture, John 14:18 and it really touched her and she cried. She is having a really hard time with her family and she said that she would pray to know of God's love. 

Jimena is doing well. On Thursday, we asked her to say the opening prayer, and she broke into tears. She said the prayer and told us to continue, but we knew that at that moment, what she needed, wasn't the lesson we had prepared. She needed to know that someone cared. Above all, that God cares. She was feeling really stressed with school, and work and was just overwhelmed. We shared D&C 10:4-5 with her and testified that with God's help, she can do anything. Once she had calmed down and was feeling better, the Spirit prompted both me and Hermana Nordfelt to invite her to be baptized. Once Hermana Nordfelt asked her, Jimena said, "Can I feel like this all of the time?" (referring to feeling of love that was so strong in that room), we both said, "yes, you can feel this way every day.) Jimena then committed to be baptized on March 4! We are really excited for her!!!

We also taught Mercedes on Thursday. We were teaching her about the Book of Mormon when she broke down too. She told us that she has Bell's Palsy in her face and it has been really hard for her. She said she didn't understand how a loving Heavenly Father could allow this to happen to her. We shared D&C 10:4-5 and John 14:18 and testified that even though we have hard times, God really does love us. She felt comforted and promised that she would pray for God's help and to feel again His love for her. 

After leaving Mercedes, Hermana Nordfelt and I talked about how all three of our investigators needed to know this week that God loves them. How important is it that they know that. Not everybody knows. What a blessing it is that we know. I would encourage each of you to, if you do not know that God loves you, pray and ask. Ask God and He will answer. Knock and it shall be opened unto you. Ask and ye receive. I know that God loves you all. There was a time where I didn't know that. But, my mom told me to pray. How grateful I am for that! Once I prayed, I had the overwhelming feeling that He does. He does love me. I know that He loves you all as well! 

This week, I was struggling. I felt like, here I am in this place where no one knows me. No one knows who I am or what I'm really like. I also felt like there was a barrier between me and my emotions. You all know that I cry. A lot. But I haven't much here. I felt like there was something wrong with me. Being emotional is a big part of who I am, it's part of my identity. On class on Friday, Hermana Boyce started off class with a personal story about when she was in the MTC. She said that she used to cry every time she bore her testimony, but once she got into the MTC, she didn't anymore. She finally realized, that she was feeling the Spirit so much, that she was simply becoming used to it. Like Joseph Smith when he and someone else (I can't remember who) saw a vision and the other man passed out but Joseph was fine. He was just accustomed to feeling that. This story was a huge answer to my prayers. And I cried. For the first time in about a week (which is really weird for me), I cried. I know now, that I'm ok. I can be myself and it's ok. I can cry, or not cry, and it's ok. 

Ok, funny story. Sort of. On Saturday, Hermana Nordfelt was feeling sick. So, we left class to go to the health clinic, but it was closed for Valentine's Day. There was a sign on the door saying that they had moved it for the day to another building. So we go to the other building only to find absolutely no one there. We looked in every room. Finally, we came across a group of elders celebrating their last real day at the MTC. They were trying to help us when one of them asked my companion if she thought a blessing would help. She said yes and immediately we had six elders giving my companion a priesthood blessing. There was such and amazing feeling of peace and comfort. My companion said that the prayer was exactly what she needed. It was amazing for her to have a blessing from six elders we did not know at all, and have them give her the exact blessing she needed. Brothers and sisters, the Church is true! What an amazing blessing we have to be able to receive priesthood blessings. 
After the blessing, we went back to class. They came half an hour later with some DayQuil and lots of candy. The candy wasn't really appropriate, but it lifted her spirits. 

Sunday was really good! I love Sundays here. In Sacrament Meeting, I played If You Could Hie to Kolob. I had about two days warning that I would be playing the special musical number, so what I did was pretty good considering. The Spirit was there and that's all that really matters.

Monday we had Volunteer TRC (Teaching Resource Center where we teach members). It was really good. The first TRC person was the same Chilean woman from last week that we couldn't understand. We still struggled a bit this week. It was a good lesson, but communication definitely was hard. The second was a man who served in Chile. We shared about Charity and read from Moroni 7:45-47. In those scriptures it talks about being a true disciple of Christ. In order to be a true disciple, you must have Charity. You must strive to have charity with 'all the energies of your heart'. That really hit this man and he started to cry. In our evaluation, he wrote, "These two sisters are some of the most powerful missionaries I have ever met!" That definitely made us feel really good. We aren't powerful, but in that lesson, the Spirit was allowed to touch the heart of this son of God. I'm glad that we were able to witness this and be a conduit for the Spirit. 
Monday was also Hermana Boyce's birthday. We gave her candy and we all wrote in a card for her. She's a great teacher and we didn't want her to forget it. 
We taught Mercedes again on Monday and she said that she'd ask her roommates if she could go to church with them. We'll check up on that tomorrow. We're really excited for her!

Tuesday. I just wanted you to all know that there is some good food at the MTC. Yesterday, I had a Navajo Taco and it was really good! There have been some other good meals too, but this one made me especially happy. :) So yesterday was the devotional in which I was supposed to play in. But we never got a notification saying that we would be playing, so we started to get really nervous. I went to the music people and our names weren't anywhere on the sheet. They said that we still might play on Sunday, but we won't know until tomorrow. We were really sad. The pianist is leaving on Monday. At 3 in the morning and her companion is leaving at 8 on Sunday night. So, it may not happen. We don't know. I hope so though. :)

Anyway, things are good here. I have seen many miracles while being here. Prayers have been answered and I've seen people's lives being touched. Including my own. I know that God loves us. I know that He is there to help us if only we stretch out our hands and ask. I know that this church is true. Otherwise, I wouldn't be here. I know that the Book of Mormon is the Word of God. I know that we are never alone. God is with us. 

Thank you all for you prayers and your letters. I love you all!!!

Love from,
Hermana Micaela Wilson

These photos were taken on a Sunday walk around the Provo Temple.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Character of Christ

"Me and Hermana Nordfelt yesterday. We matched. On accident." :)

Hola! I hope everyone is doing well! Things are good here at the Provo MTC. I still really don't like the food, but that's ok. :)

On Thursday morning, I had to leave during class because I auditioned to play during one of the MTC devotionals. A friend that is here knew I play the violin and so he (Elder Tew) got me and a girl in his district together to talk. She had been looking for someone who could play violin so that they could do the song 'Savior, Redeemer of My Soul' which I happened to play at my farewell. :) And, I brought the music! The singer's name is Sister Christensen (she's going to Cambodia). She has a great voice! The pianist's name is Hermana Reynolds (she is going to the Texas McAllen Mission). We know each other because we went through the temple on the same day and knew that we'd meet in the MTC. So on Wednesday we practiced and on Thursday we auditioned. It was kind of scary because we did it in front of all of the wives of the MTC presidency. They were really nice though. And, we got in!!! We are going to be performing during the MTC devotional on this next Tuesday! We are so excited! 

Also, this week we got our other teacher, so now we have two! Along with Hermana Savage we have Hermana Boyce. She is fantastic! She went to Bolivia on her mission. Also, guess what, Hermana Boyce is...Jimena as well. I told you last week that Jimena was only an actress, but now she is also our teacher. (I really hope I explained this well.)

Ok, here's my update with Jimena (the fake investigator, not the teacher). On Thursday we taught Jimena and invited her to be baptized. She didn't say no, but she didn't understand why she needs to be baptized because when she was little she was baptized into our church. We tried to help her understand, but it was really hard. Finally we asked her to pray about it and pray to know what Heavenly Father would have her do. We haven't taught her since then, but we will tomorrow. I really hope that we can help her. 

Our other investigator, Mercedes, is doing well. Mercedes is a real investigator and so it's a lot more intimidating. But there is a quote that says, "If the church isn't true, the missionaries would have messed it up a long time ago." It helps me because I know that it isn't me that is teaching but, the Spirit. The second lesson we had with Mercedes, we just got to know her a bit more. We found out that she is just really interested in temples and eternal families. So the next time we went back we decided that we needed to teach her about the Restoration. I know that may not make sense, but we realized that we can't teach her about eternal families before we teach her what we really believe. The lesson went really well! We were telling her about how there is a cycle with the apostasies and restorations in the Bible. She knew that after Noah, there was an apostasy and it really made sense to her that there was a pattern. So, when we got to the Great Apostasy and the Restoration through Joseph Smith, she understood why that would need to be. The only thing she struggled with is how Joseph saw God and Christ face to face because she doesn't ever remember reading about that in the Bible. She also promised to pray to know of the truth and we were so happy! It really was a great lesson!

We also got a new investigator named Daniela (she is really our other teacher Hermana Savage). We will teach her today, so I really don't know much about her. We're excited to teach her though!

On Friday, Hermana Boyce was teaching us and she asked for a volunteer so, of course, I raised my hand. She was teaching us how to teach the Restoration (this was before we taught this lesson to Mercedes so this lesson really helped). It was amazing. I was the investigator and Hermana Boyce taught me. I made a character of sorts and she really tailored the lesson to me. She answered my questions and the Spirit was so strong as she taught. She made it simple to understand and, wow, it had a lot of power. She also testified of how much Heavenly Father loves me. I think that it is always good to be reminded of this. Her lesson was a real testament to me how simple the Gospel really is. When you look at the Gospel, it's so simple, but as you progress and look more deeply, it is also very intricate. That is why we can always be learning. It is amazing!

Sunday was amazing! Last Sunday was Fast Sunday so things were quite different. We had Relief Society with all of the sisters here at the MTC. We just had speakers, but they did a fantastic job. Then my zone got on a bus to go to west MTC campus for testing of the buildings there. We had Sacrament Meeting, I played the piano, and the talks were great. We also had District Meeting over there. It was the best District Meeting ever! We talked about faith and why it is so important and examples of demonstrations of faith. Some people shared experiences and others shared favorite scriptures. The Spirit was really strong and it helped our district become closer. It was fantastic! Then we had a devotional back on normal MTC campus about how service can change you inside and out. Then for the best part of the day. We were able to watch a video of a talk Elder Bednar gave at the MTC a few years ago entitled, The Character of Christ. Elder Bednar's whole talk was centered on how we can better come to know of Christ. Not about Christ, of Christ. There was no way that I could remember all that he said or even write down a portion, so I'll tell you what I remember. The biggest thing that hit me was what Christ's character is. Elder Bednar said that Christ's character is that whenever we, as humans, would normally turn inward and be selfish, self-serving, or self-absorbed, Christ would turn outward and serve. For example, after Christ had suffered in the Garden, he had just been through the hardest thing any person has ever been asked to do, his friends couldn't even stay awake for one hour with him, and then another friend betrayed him with a kiss, when Peter cut off the ear of one of the soldiers, Christ healed him. After all that had just happened to Christ, he didn't turn inward, he turned outward and healed the soldier. There are many examples of this in the scriptures. How amazing is our Savior! How I want to be like him! 

Monday was really sad. We had to say goodbye to one of our districts. They were leaving to Argentina. We really became close with some of these sisters and it was really hard to say goodbye. We are really excited for them as well! We know that they are going to do wonderful things!!! This morning we also had to say goodbye to the English speaking sisters in our room. We realized, again, that a mission is a whole series of hellos and goodbyes. And it's hard.

Something that I didn't say in my last letter was where everyone in my district is going. My companion, Hermana Nordfelt, is going to Argentina Córdoba as well. Hermana Pula is going to the Salt Lake Mission, Hermana Shelley is going to the Orlando, Florida Mission. Elders Stewart and Larsen are going to Córdoba Argentina, Elder Riding is going to Bahia Blanca, Argentina, and Elder Isaacson is going to Orlando, Florida.

A few days ago, our district was really struggling. We were tired, it seems like we've been here forever and it sometimes seems as though we'll never leave. We were having class with Hermana Savage and she stopped and let us talk. We released all of our frustrations and the things that are hard, like the food, the schedule, always being with someone, the language, missing home, and so on. But every time after we would say something negative, we would also say how we have never been happier though. We talked for a while about the fact that this is hard, this is demanding, but we truly have never been happier. While at home, I feel as though I was pretty happy. I'm a pretty happy person. But I did have bad days. Here, it's as though I only have bad hours. When something is really bugging me or I'm struggling. But the Spirit here is so amazing and it really buoys us up. I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to be here!

I want you to know that I love you all! I hope that everything is going well with you! 

Love from,

Hermana Micaela Wilson

"All of the girls in my room. It was our goodbye picture with the English sister in the room."

"Name tags of the Hermanas in my district and a Preach My Gospel in Spanish."

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Listen to the Spirit

Hermanas Wilson and Nordfelt

Hola everyone! 

Yo soy una misionera!!! I really am loving it here at the MTC! At first (last Wednesday), I was really confused and didn't understand what was going on, but things are great now! My companion's name is Hermana Nordfelt. I met her on Facebook before coming here and we were really excited to be companions! We have four elders in my district and two other sisters. Their names are Hermana Shelley, Hermana Pula, Elder Larson, Elder Stewart, Elder Riding (who is our district leader), and Elder Isaacson. They are all pretty great. We have a great district! My teacher's name is Hermana Savage. She is the best teacher there! Normally she teaches the teachers, but right now she's ours and we love her!

On Wednesday, we met as all the new missionaries and had a conference that was really good. The MTC presidency talked to us. Then we had the opportunity to talk with some REAL investigators! We didn't know they were real at first though. We were in a room with 70 missionaries and 1 investigator. The first investigator we talked to was named Lance. He was great! He didn't understand how God loved him. So we talked to him about that. He felt so intimidated by God. He felt like he had done so many bad things in his life that there was no way that God could ever forgive him for everything. We really tried to help him and maybe something that we said did, but it was hard to teach him with 70 other elders and sisters. That really taught me why we go two by two. Then we taught Barbara. She was harder. She didn't open up really and so it was hard to see what she really needed. But also in this one, she asked a question, and then nobody answered (I tried, but I never got called on). It was really frustrating and the Spirit definitely was not there. That really taught me how important the Spirit is. There cannot be any ill feelings when you are teaching. If there are, then you won't teach well. Then we got to teach Lawanna. She was so sweet. She has cancer and her chemo isn't working. She doesn't want to continue with treatment, but she is because her friends want her to. Both of her parents are dead and she really doesn't have anyone. We just really tried to help her feel of God's love. 

So we do have an 'investigator' (she's an actress who is using an experience from her mission) for just our district too. Her name is Jimena. She is really sweet! We absolutely love her! We taught her the first time (on Friday) about God's love (because she also didn't see how God was in her life or how God could ever love her). The lesson went well, but it was hard too. We teach her in Spanish too so that definitely makes it harder. The next day, our teacher wasn't there for the first block of class, so we thought it was our time for personal/companion/language study. Then a man came in and said that our investigator, Jimena, was waiting for us. We had no idea we were teaching her again and that she would be there! We felt so bad!!! Hermana Nordfelt and I went in first and apologized profusely. She was kind about it though. But we had NO lesson plan! None, whatsoever! We had to go completely off the Spirit. It was really good though, because the time before we had prepared a sort of script and there was a definite barrier between us. This time, we were able to just get to know Jimena and show her that we love her. We asked Jimena a few days ago to pray to know of God's love for her. The next day we came back and she said she had prayed! We were so happy! We couldn't stop grinning! She said that she still doesn't know if God loves her, but she definitely felt good when she prayed. We told her that that was his love and to continue to pray to know. She also committed to read the Book of Mormon! She's fantastic!!!

We also have another investigator (just Hermana Nordfelt and me). Her name is Mercedes. But we also didn't know we were going to be teaching her until someone came and told us that our investigators were waiting for us. We were about to go and teach Jimena, so after we taught Jimena, we went and met with Mercedes. It was a short visit because we were so late, so we just got to know her a bit. I can't wait to get to know her better! 

Yesterday, I was in the choir for the devotional. We sang Sweet Hour of Prayer, which I never really liked before now because in seminary it is played so often that it got really old really fast. But our conductor really made it come alive! While we were learning the song, I couldn't stop thinking about Jimena. And my heart felt like it was going to explode because it felt so good. I then remembered a story that one of my young women leaders told us of when she went to the temple and was feeling that way. She realized that she was feeling God's love for us. I had the opportunity, last night, to feel a portion of the love that God has for Jimena. It was amazing and the strongest feeling I've had since being here. It really was a miracle! I know God lives and that He loves all of you!

Things are going really well here. For gym time, I play 4 square. Every day. And, I love it! :) The food is really not good though. Some things are, like the salads and soups, but often it isn't. 

We have one class every day that is taught by Hermana Savage and she speaks to us only in Spanish. It's really helped me learn though. I can already understand almost everything that she says. And I've learned so much. I mean to be able to teach a lesson in Spanish two days after getting here, it's pretty miraculous! I'm loving the Spanish and it's already replacing some of my English (which I'm sad that my English is going...), but I am really seeing the Lord's hand in my life. 

I want you all to know how much I love you! I want you to know that the Lord's hand is here. I know that He loves you. I know that. Yo sé que! 

I love you! Now, I go to bring them heaven!

Love from,
Hermana Micaela Wilson

P.S. I hope you all enjoy the pictures! :) Things really are good! :)

Hermanas Wilson and Nordfelt pointing to their destination, Cordoba, Argentina.

The sisters in Micaela's district.

Micaela's district

Someone put encouraging Post-its on Micaela's door.

"There are six in one room, meaning there is no room for anything, really."

The sisters in Micaela's zone.