Saturday, October 3, 2015

Pray with a Question

Hola mis seres queridos! Cómo andan? Espero que todo esté bien con ustedes.
 [Hello my loved ones! How is it going? I hope all is well with you.]

Wow, ok, this week. 

Bueno, on Tuesday, we had interviews with Presidente Alliaud. It was really good, but we weren´t able to work. He was able to answer some questions and that helped a lot.

On Wednesday, we had district meeting in Marcos Juarez (about an hour away and the buses don´t come and go very often), so it was hard to work that day too.
Marcos Juarez
We are really struggling with finding new investigators that progress. We are still working with Elva and had a really good lesson with her. She had never thought of the fact that if Christ were to have a church, it should have his name. She hadn´t ever noticed that none of the other churches carry Christ´s name. It got her thinking a lot and that was good. We are focusing right now on having her read the Book of Mormon and praying with a specific question. 

Juan. Juan Juan Juan. We are dropping Juan. He says yes to everything but doesn´t end up doing anything. It´s rather frustrating. And sad. But, I hope that in the future, he can come to a firm decision. Everyone has their time.

Romina and her family are doing well. They have entered the ´gate´ and are on the ´straight and narrow path´. They´re awesome!

We are now teaching Romina´s grandmother, Estela. We taught her about prayer, reading the scriptures, and going to church. She said she was willing to do all of those things! She also has a baptismal date for the 17 of October! 

Anyway, we´re kind of in the process of finding and dropping investigators. It´s rather frustrating. But, I know that we can do it. :)

Something that Presidente Alliaud told us on Tuesday that really caught my attention was about prayer. He said that a lot of times we (or investigators) say that God doesn´t answer our prayers. That we want an answer, but He isn´t responding. But, how often are we asking Him a question? It´s true. There are many times where I want an answer, but I forget to ask Him the question. Presidente said it´s like going to school and asking your teacher, ¨So, what´s the answer?¨ And she says, ¨The answer to what?¨ and we say, "I don´t know, I just want the answer.¨ 

So, with that in mind, I would like to encourage all of us to pray with a question. And then, in this conference this weekend, look for it. I promise you that you will find and answer to your question. And maybe, answers to questions you didn´t think you were asking as well.

I know that this is God´s one and only church here upon the earth. I know that He loves us and that He wants to answer our prayers. And this I leave with you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 

Les amo un montonaso y espero que todos ustedes tengan una semana maravillosa! Siempre acuérdense que Dios les ama y por qué estamos aquí.
[I love you a [montonaso] and I hope you all have a wonderful week! Remember always that God loves us and why we are here.]

Love from,
Hermana Micaela Wilson

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